Happy New Year to y’all! We, here at the Cardwell Firm, pray for good fortune and blessings to all of you in 2020. On January 1, 2020, all Mississippians were impacted by the enactment of the Mississippi Guardianship and Conservatorship Act (commonly referred to as the “Guard and Protect (GAP) Act”). “Well hold on just a minute there Bub, I’ve got no need for a guardianship or conservatorship! Doesn’t that have sumthin’ to do with kids, or old folks?” Well, yes indeed it does. If you are interested in a very informative synopsis of the GAP Act, its features, and how it differs from the old Mississippi law concerning guardianships and conservatorships, please visit my friends over at the Land Title Association of Mississippi (LTAMS) here: https://ltams.org/gap-act-mississippi-guardianship-and-conservatorship-act/. The new and improved GAP Act will go a long way towards curbing…Read More